Sunday, March 2, 2008

My "a" drive and me.............

Ok, I can see you looking at the graphic and thinking "what in the heck does this have to do with this woman's "a" drive?".........NOTHING. Amen. It is a silly graphic and one that I like, I have one like this in green too....of course I like most things aquatic and fairyish (this is now a word, proclaimed by me......fairyish).
Man I am sooooooo stupid........I KNOW, and I mean I KNOW, that there was a floppy disc stuck in that a drive............I KNOW IT.........but when Steven went to help me yesterday (along with Andrew's help) he kept looking into that skinny dark hole and then poking around with his loooooooong skinny screwdriver and then he would look up at me and then poke some more and he finally said "There isn't anything in this." wellllll, you know me, I insisted there was............he tried again.........and I insisted again and so the wheel kept turning, until he finally asked for a floppy, put it in there and wha-la............there were the pictures on that floppy........ok, so I have openly admitted that whatever little gem they put into the over 55/women daily vitamin isn't working, but darn, don't you think it would have made at least a dent in my mind. Now I don't care what took place yesterday, I don't, I KNOW that there has been a floppy in there and it was stuck............BUT, I also believe that the same %*#&% little fairy that snitches socks from the dryer could have been upstairs and playing tricks with my a drive too.........yup, I do believe that.
So now I was going to lament about all of the pictures that I would have liked to shared with you........but I'm not, as what was there to stop me from actually taking the photos and then sharing them whem 'my a drive was fixed'? again, I wasn't using my head at'al. I am just wandering around in my own little land of over 55 and ever once in awhile I poke out my head to see the actual world and then retreat.......see, maybe that graphic does have something to do with this blog post..................

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh...boy, I'm never letting you live this down...hee hee...