Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another, hmmmmmm

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
— Richard Bach

Egads, like that is going to help me............look at the title of my blog...."it's me I think" my tender age of mumblemumblemumble I am still not sure who I am............
Some days I feel like this crazy young thing full of life and hope, other days I feel like this ole haggard ole bag that can barely drag herself out of bed........then I surprise myself (and others too I suspect) with some sort of wonderful thought or project.......totally out of the who am I.

I believe in God
I am a mother
I am an ex
I am a friend
I am a cousin
I am a lover of art, music, laughter
I am a believer of hope and kindness
I am a true admirer of Mother Nature
I think I am an artist...........see not sure there

So I know I am somethings, but not sure of who I this life thing can be confusing.......but on the whole, my life is good. Sometimes I overlook all of the wonderful things in my life, things that I take for today I will try to think of those things and be grateful for them.........and let those good and warm people, feelings and things help me be a better me.................ok, wish me luck..........I'm off to conquer me today!!!

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