Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm back..........

Well I hope it's good news that I am back..........

I do seem to be in a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep funk.

Main Entry:
perhaps from obsolete Dutch dialect (Flanders) fonck
1 a: a state of paralyzing fear b: a depressed state of mind2: one that funks : coward3: slump 1

For me, it's like I am swimming in jello......hmmmm, or just even hint to the word sleep and I could and would do just that. I know, sounds like depression, but truly not thinking that way.........it's just this funk............good gravy I haven't even touched my beads.........not even thought of opening up the cases and touching them....scary, huh?
Today I am going back to the gym for the first time......this could be a good thing (thank you Martha for that phrase.) Walking on the treadmill and doing some unwelcomed excersise could be just the "think" to perk me up............and trust me, going to the gym IS NOT my thing. I did not come from a family of gym-nics!!!! If you see the word sedatary in the dictionary, well that picture is probably one of my relatives..........the end.
I did spend Sunday with my daughter making cards to send to Iraq, to friends of hers that are still there..........that was fun. I do like making cards, sometimes the ideas just tumble out of my head, other times, and trust me on this one, you can tell I was just grabbing for any idea that floated by. She is more of a scrapbooker, but I think she enjoyed it too.........

Ok, so I am going to try and get back into the swing of things

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