Saturday, August 2, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Well, today I am leaving Texas and heading off to my eastern vacation with my "older" friend.........we land in Boston, drive to Vermont, stay there until Wednesday, visit my relatives for the day and then head off to Cape Cod for the rest of the vacation..........I am so excited.......thank goodness I purchased my tickets when I did, as I don't have to pay the $$ for my luggage.........grrrrr, breathe deep cleansing breaths Mary Ellen, deep cleansing breaths.........I hope to relax, talk, giggle, talk, listen, talk, giggle, enjoy our silences, hear the ocean and smell the salt air.......hopefully do a whale sighting boat thing,shop and just drive around and enjoy the tranquility of back east. We both like to just take off and wander, and you can't get to lost in Vermont and Massachusetts. I hope we are able to wander into some quaint little villages and take lots and lots of pictures of cottages and salt box homes..........yup, today I am leaving Texas and heady back east...........

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