Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's my first try

Smilebox postcard: my first try" src="" width=386>
Smilebox" src="" width=386>
Make a Smilebox postcard

Still can't download pictures yet..............sigh..............thank you for sticking with me. I did find this wonderful little gadget on a blog that I was enjoying today........I had fun making it and hope that you enjoy it too...........stick with me gang, I am going to keep working with this computer memory card reader thingy and I will prevail.........I will. Is anyone out there? Did I lose all of you while I was on hiatus - haven't had a comment, you know how bloggers love a comment once in awhile.......see I have no problem I remember now......if you want something come right out and ask........don't hedge.............please, someone comment.............please

Have you giggled or smiled today? I did while I was making this postcard was fun looking through some of my older gathered treasures...........

Well guess I can't embed the code either, so if you click on it, it will take you to my little I am so CHALLENGED!!!!!!!!!!

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