Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oooops, missed it!!!!!

I missed it..........it was National Library Week...........LAST week.........oh man, I want to say I am so sorry to all of the hard working librarians and volunteers at each and every library in America.    I love libraries.    My love of libraries and books     started at a very early age and has continued ever since and I just don't see it ever dying out......

Books in a pile, sitting on a chair, being carried under someone's arm, placed carefully on a bedside table, standing neatly on a shelf.......and not so neatly...........I want to peek inside the covers and see what is inside.

The ladies and gentlemen who work in the libraries, well they are a special breed of people..........most work for very little and yet the majority of them will be more than helpful when you ask them a question or just seem lost where to seek out what you need...........

So again, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I hope that you had a smile to share today......maybe with a librarian????????

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