Friday, July 17, 2009

Christmas wrapping

Ok, I know some of you are just rolling your eyes and gritting your teeth and opened this blog up just to let me know that I have either totally gone off my rocker, pushed the season waaaaaay to soon, and or will share that you already HAVE your presents purchased and wrapped.........for the rest of us.....just sit back and enjoy, both the beauty and hopefully humor.

All of the pictures have been taken from my favorite spot BHG and if you find a particular type of wrapping to your liking, go to BHG, find the category for crafts or wrapping and click on it, find the exact photo and they will go into detail......some more than others. This particular wrapping is done with scrapbook papers.......which is fun, if all of you presents are small......but they certainly do make a pretty and attractive centerpiece.

This one I really like......just type a phrase or word-s over and over on the computer and then print it out........takes a little time, but just save it and once you have done it, it will be there forever........UNLESS, like me, you KNOW you saved it, but it disappears somewhere!

I have actually used this one, I think it was for my oldest grand daughter's gift. My youngest grand son, had a sheet of black construction paper and took colored glitter glue, he made the coolest design and I just couldn't "file 13" it......thank goodness I didn't, because it made the neatest wrapping paper. If you need something larger, if you go to the local newspaper, they usually have ends on a roll of blank newsprint and they are happy to get rid of it.
This was called natural wrap......I again, really like this.....simple and plain and it makes such an impact under a tree.......or for any occasion.
Now if someone made this and placed it on my package.......oh be still my heart!!!! Isn't it just to die for??? First who has the time, or the $$ for the material - well certainly not me......but I do think I might go back to the site and get the directions and try at least one......hey maybe if I do, I will take you along that adventure.......tee hee.
OH forget Christmas wrapping......I am in love with the color and prints of this photo.......these are all wrapped in material and for me and I bet some of you too, that would be like getting two gifts in one.
Again, I don't see this as Christmas wrap, but it was so pretty I wanted to share.......well you know me and flowers and botanical.
Now this one sounds quite easy.....think it was felt, three triangles, glue and decorations.......but man it has no you would have to hold onto the bottom and when you hand it off, you would have to warn the recipient to hold the bottom too. Now this suggests that you would make these to make your holiday bottles pretty and attractive..........well as far as I am concerned, please don't put anything over the wine bottles......I want to know they are there when I need them.......holidays do seem to induce some stress and there are times I want a glass of wine and I want it NOW!

Now this one is the best of the best.......semi sarcasm here. You wrap the bottom in paper, wrap the top, put a layer of glue on the top and then roll in the to me, these beads look way to "in line" to have been rolled....and putting them on one by one.......hello????? Ok, it is a beautiful presentation and something that I would keep forever......let me know if you do this.....please.

Do these look familiar? This seemed to be the popular wrapping under our tree lately.....and birthday gifts....and shower get the picture.....sadly, gift wrapping and presentation of hidden goodies is disappearing. Now I have to admit that I have even sunk lower - the gift card. Since my biggest area of gift giving is to my family and they are long distance now, well the price of a gift, the price of postage, asking someone else on the other end to either wrap of stuff into a bag (when that person is already overloaded).....well ole' Nana has resorted to gift cards.....they seem to be going over rather well...but I do like sneaking in a wee wrapped item also.
What do you do? Especially if you are a long distance gift giver.......please share.
I hope this little tongue in cheek sharing today either brought you a giggle or is to short to worry which month something is posted in...........

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