Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ok Ok Ok OK

Ok, I missed yesterday too..........and I know where I was too.........right here at the computer.......making a little non-professional catalog to send along with my jewelry that is going up to NE next week-end. I am trying to make this as easy and simple for the other grammy as possible. So I figure if I have the name of each piece, the price, and a picture of the piece, that will help her 99%, nothing is 100%. I only have the bracelets done right now.....still need to do the necklaces, ear rings, and other little odds and ends that I carry..........get that....."that I carry" like call me Macy's!!!!!!! You know it isn't easy put things in alphabetical order.........I still have to sing the alphabet song some of the time........... I DO!!!!! So tomorrow or maybe in just a wee bit I will work on the I pretty sure I have most of them photoed...the ear rings...........sigh, well I know I only have one of two pair, as they were just not photographing well. Good gravy, make them sound like they were humans........can an ear ring have a good side??????? It's just that the wire shines no matter how overcast the morning is, so you get this glare on the photos.........and I am not earning enough to start investing in photo props or aids........shoot there is waaaaaaaaay to much in the jewelry making area that I need or that is where I was yesterday.........really and truly busy.........being an industrious little lets hope all of this work, categorizing, paper and ink make a difference.......fingers crossed!!!!!!!!

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