Monday, July 14, 2008

What's on the walls?????

Walking up the stairs and turning on the landing, you look up and wha-la........this is what stares back at nuclear family, Daddy, Mum and myself, at the young and innocent age of 17...and I was innocent in many many ways............
I have no idea how my Mum found this photographer, but he came to our house and took a family portrait...and it turned out quite nice. After my parents both passed away, this is one of my treasured pictures. It ended up at my second daughter's home.......not quite sure how. My son at Christmas time kept teasing and taunting (he is a horrible teaser, almost relentlessly) me that I would cry at the gift that the kids were going to give me.....told him, "The only thing that will bring tears to my eyes will be if you can bring my parents back to me.".............well you guessed it..........opened up this huge package and the first person out of it was my Daddy, followed by Mum............cried like a blubbering beauty queen winner. I love this part of the story though, my son told me that a person at his work did this for charcoal for him. He then looked at me and said " You'll never guess how he learned to do this.".............oh son, you forget I am the queen of trivia, read anything and everything and watch movies at a drop of a you can pick up more information at these locations than you I never even looked up from the picture and said as matter-of-factly as I could " In prison."..........oooooooo I loved it..............the look on his face and the other kids was priceless.........totally priceless, ole' mom knew something that they thought I would never know........I was on a then my son shared the story on how this man spent part of his life in seems that he took a car for a test drive.........and just forgot to return the car........ok, it's not funny, it is a against the law and I am sure that the car dealership was upset and rightfully so, but that Christmas morning, with the whole family gathered together (and that is an event that has only happened twice since everyone has been grown and married) we all found it funny.......I started to giggle first, then one by one everyone else joined in.........all day we would say things like "Hey, did you remember to return the car?" or "I'd let you borrow my car, but you never return anything."...just silly it isn't funny, but that day, well it is a memory for sure............I have other art pieces that I will share too..........and most have a story to go with them.........

1 comment:

Joanne Kennedy said...

Well I have to tell you, I first teared up reading this but then I laughed when I read about it being done by the guy in prison and the car not being returned.

Ya, ya, ya it's not funny! I know if it happened to me it wouldn't be but reading it here was a crack up.

Great picture of you and your parents. What a sweetie your son is.
