Friday, March 28, 2008


Today, like many days, I learned something........oh it was something that I have known for a long long long time, but man do I need reminding..........lots of reminding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had taken quite a bit of time yesterday afternoon, doing a "pre-blog" (new work, huh?'s when i write something up ahead of time and store it, so when I am in a hurry, I can quickly go in and snatch it out and put it on the blog)...........I had collected pictures, changed fonts, changed the color and size of words...........feel'n pretty darn proud of myself, I today the only thing I could find was the title.............nothing, zilch, nada, the big zero, it wasn't there!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, I was starting to do the slooooow stew kind of thing, thinking poorly of myself (for in my mind - where ever that wanders-----) I HAD SAVED IT........I HAD!!!!! Well apparently not, or it would have been there..........I look over, and there is my youngest grandson, patiently laying out "his" banket, to lie down next to his stuffed animals...........first one corner wasn't right, then when he crawled over the blanket to fix that, the other side crumble up, the middle got wrinkled, but after what seemed like a bazillion attempts, (and in an adult critical mind) it still wasn't completely straight or all corners down, he looked, plopped down and laid with his stuffed animals............all was right in his world. See I know the difference between what is important and what isn't, I do........I just seem to get lost sometimes along the I learned, a lost blog or a blanket with the corners not all laying big deal, world peace wouldn't be put in jeopardy, no lives were at was maybe today I didn't LEARN something new, but rather had a gentle reminder of what is important and what you let go of..............

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