Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Texas Mountain Laurel

Oh baby, it's cooooold outside...........that's what I am hearing from my children and grand babies in Why-oh-ming.......that's what I am hearing from one set of out-laws (my sil's parents......that's what we affectionately call each other......the outlaws) in Nebraska..................but alas, it isn't cold down here "deep in the heart of Texas". It starts out chilly (for us) but already we have been in the 80's and 90's..........it's nice. The boys are been outside in swimsuits playing on the neighbors bonzi falls........whoa, way to much energy involved in that.......6 children under the age of 9!!! But for my, this is one of the nicest parts of this early warm spell...........the Texas Mountain Laurel tree........I have just fallen in love with it.......the picture I am sharing is from the Internet, as I have never seen one this big........but oh my...well just look

Isn't it beautiful? I think what it does for me, is to remind me of the lilacs.......oh how i love lilacs. In Wyoming, I had a friend that had the most beautiful and luscious lilac trees, almost a whole hedge of them......when they bloomed, she always told me to come over and cut a big bouquet. I have no shame, I did. I would then spread those aromatic and wonderful flowers all through my house.........it was like a little bit of spring time (and trust me, spring in Wyoming takes forever to come) everywhere you looked. Ah, back to the Mountain Laurel........yup, I am thinking that this is the reason I have fallen in love with it. Here is a close up of the flowers.. See they have a hyacinth like flower.........Ok, enough, I am beginning to sound like I possessed with this flower thing ( I am......there I confessed). I will try really hard to move on to other subjects, commentaries, and my point of view topics soon.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

...and don't forget how the mountain laurel smells... like grape soda pop or bubble gum...yum!

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